It is now 03:50 on Sun 03/06
You may also recall that at approx 18:25 I put another status up on FB that said: is "/
I figured seeing as the two statuses are kind of related in one way or another I may as well combine the blog into one!
This will no doubt provide some entertaining reading for some, but at the times I was, let's just say - a little miffed, to say the least!
First problem at 18:25... I am subscribed to 'My Cake Decorating' magazine, mainly to get more equipment to use & of course it's also a good magazine for hints n tips on projects I've not yet tried out!
Now, being the Queens Diamond Jubilee we've decided to have our own family afternoon tea party tomorrow (today, Sunday) to celebrate this occasion.
The aforementioned magazine subscription produced a special edition for this occasion too, it came with some stencils, edible sugar diamonds, cupcake wrappers & cupcake flags.
We had purchased some nice food at M&S (& a few bits from Tesco too) earlier this morning (Saturday) but I had decided seeing as I has these cupcake/cookie accessories to hand I should make some jubilee cookies & cupcakes for our little celebration!
Shock, horror on checking the contents closer... The edible diamonds were discoloured (an iridescent pale yellow tinge to them instead of a clear clarity), but worse still the lovely jubilee cupcake flags had a big fault - 7 of the 12 had the flag stuck on upside down!!!
Not a happy bunny & very annoyed, this wouldn't have been so bad if it had been 6 faulty (I could live with that) but 7?! OCD issues with my cupcakes now!!! Hence the status: is "/
Well, I figure I can't do much about it but put up with it... Dunk leaves for work just after 19:15 so I start sorting the kiddies out for bed, ready to bake! I then prep my ingredients for the cookies.
It's 20:10 & I'm beating the butter n sugar together when my phone bleeps... A txt from Dunk saying 'Fireworks at Garth about 10pm' - to which I respond 'Joy... Dog will go mental!!!'
20:15 Dunk txt's back 'take him & kids, walk up Launton Rd - he will love it x' - so I reply 'at 10?!' followed by 'girls have their PJ's on!!! Lol' (Cameron had been messing me around & not hot his on).
Anyway, 20:25 after all the txt's I continue with the cookie mix (add the vanilla & the egg) being assisted by Anneliese... at this point Cameron slopes off upstairs, I wasn't sure if he was going to play or put his PJ's on.
So I'm chatting with Anneliese & disaster strikes... You see I was wearing latex surgical gloves (to preserve my union jack nails) when I don't know how my glove on my left hand got caught in the hand mixer!!! It was getting tighter & tighter, fortunately I managed to turn it off & free my hand.

So after that little mishap, I carry on & mention to Anneliese about the Fireworks - she's excited & wants to get dressed, it's 20:35 now!
I get her to speak to the other 2 about it & they were in 2 minds cause they figured we've got our PJ's on now, but they decided yes they might like to go after 20 minutes!!! I'm back to the cookie mix, sifting the flour!
I finished mixing the cookie dough & am kneading it, get it wrapped in cling film & placed in the fridge to rest. It's 21:15, so I ask the children to get dressed if they want to go while I prep the ingredients for the cupcakes.
It's 21:40, children all dressed, I'm getting rain coats n boots out (as was raining, obviously) & Cameron brings Christopher down... Now Christopher is the class bear (he's pretty much as big as Anneliese) he has him for the half-term & has been told to take him everywhere!
I say, it's absolutely chucking it down... You can't take him! But he insists & back upstairs he goes to get Christopher a coat!!! At this point I hear the fireworks start & txt Dunk in a state!
Sorry, I had to pause here... It was late & I just haven't had time since to continue - it is coming though! It's now 06/06, Lol.
Cameron then had a complete meltdown, making me more stressed... The dog is going mental, not only cause the fireworks but cause Anneliese had got his lead ready!
It was what I'd call a major - Arghhhhhhhhhhh moment!!!
Another break here, it's now 08:55 10/06 - hope it's worth the wait for you readers?!
Anyhow to cut a long story short (actually this is quite a long blog on reflection) - we got out the house at 21:55, pretty much at the end of the display (I think I heard fireworks 3 go off while outside).
I'd decided the dog at least needed walking after the trauma of fireworks & the excitement of his lead rattling, it would've been cruel not to take him!
It was absolutely p'ing it down, Dunk was still texting, I was stressed, soaked & at the end of my tether, so we just walked the dog around the block (up Linden, down Withington, then home).
When home we're all soaked through, the kids are moaning, I still have the cookies to bake & cuppies to make (& bake) as well as get the kiddies changed & into bed!
It was 22:28 when we'd all got inside & I sent Dunk this txt 'U told me 10 at 8pm... Yes & dog went crazy, Cam was pissing bout with bear & Pooks was being an ass lookin after Colin who just came in from rain! The only good 1 has been Anneliese xXx'
Finally got back in kitchen at 22:42 to finish off my baked delights, which ended up being finished by 03:03 - although wasn't completely finished as had more icing detail to put on cookies once base coat was dry & cuppies needed frosting when cool (they could wait till morning)!

Yes, it may all sound trivial... But if you'd been in my shoes, you'd understand where I was coming from with my status!
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