You see I love to make those I'm closest to happy, especially for birthdays... Too many people forget or hide birthdays when they're grown up, I don't see why myself?!
I mean it's worth celebrating because you've survived another year, this day & age we all have far too many stresses & strains which take their toll on us - but we're still here, alive, breathing, with so much to live for & that should be celebrated every year!
I've been decidedly sneaky yet again this year, I wowed bestie on his birthday in Feb with an outstanding 'ham' cake, it's hubby Duncan's birthday on the 7th he has a surprise cake in store for karaoke (created & supplied by the lovely Anne)...

He said he didn't want anyone to know it was his birthday so removed it from view on FB but also changed the date too!
I have obviously made a birthday cake for us at home & posted a picture, but also wrote a status & tagged him, I also wrote on his FB wall! Ooops did I let the cat out the bag?! Lol!!!

I've also arranged another surprise for Sunday, our good friend Nigel is coming down to come to karaoke... So I've booked a babysitter & Dunk is none the wiser - ain't I evil?! Not really, I think these are nice surprises & it really shows just how much I care about those I'm closest to!
I started this blog on Weds 06/06, it is now Mon 11/06 & how did the surprises go down?! I bet you're wondering???
Well, the surprise cake Thursday night was a real hit & much appreciated too (so was my cake that we had at home on Friday) he was treated to a fair few drinks on Thursday night too, but after a few pints of Strongbow, a Gin n Tonic (don't think this got drunk), a fair few shots of various flavours & topped off with a shot of Southern Comfort n Tabasco (forgot what it was called) - Dunk made a sneaky exit from the pub & went home early, lol!
Yesterday was absolutely classic though, timed to perfection... Dunk was cooking the Sunday roast, I was relaxing in the bath, the children were playing nicely & everyone apart from me was unaware of a surprise guest arriving!
Dunk started dishing up, the children laid the table (for 5 as normal), I got out the bath & was drying in bathroom, then the doorbell went... I could hear Duncan say from the kitchen (it's right next to bathroom) "who's at the door at this time? We're just about to eat!"
The next thing I hear is the door opening & a majorly surprised voice on Dunk says "bloody hell, how the devil are you, long time no see, come in!"
Hahaha, got him good & proper, he even commented it was like a 'This is your Life' moment!!!
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Nigel & Duncan at bestie Jason's karaoke! |
I've surprised him on 2 milestone birthdays in the past, I did a surprise 30th for him in '99 & on his 40th I arranged all his family & friends to surprise him at his then regular Friday karaoke gig that was in '09 - you'd think he'd learn by now eh?!
Last year I aided & abetted my good friend Andy organise his girlfriend (my Wifey) Becky's 30th surprise party too, so if you need any help with springing a surprise on your loved ones I'm a bit of an expert & good at party planning, just ask I'll only be too pleased to help!!!
I shall write a comment in the form of a mini blog as homage to Lynda who loves a good blog.
ReplyDeleteThis is my second attempt at this (in fact it must be at least my tenth attempt now, but I learnt to save it before pressing any buttons), as my last amazing mini blog that I just wrote has disappeared and I am having to write it all over again. That one was full of fun, enthusiasm, and frivolity, but this one might be a bit stayed and to the point, as I am a tad upset and fighting the urge to throw my PC out of the window.
Back to the homage, and my first mini blog... I don't blog myself for a couple of main reasons.
1) I don't have the time, in fact I find it hard to find time to reaD other peoples and rarely get to read one. So spend a lot of time being confused about what's going on and replying no I didn't read your blog.... Sorry.
2) I'm boring. Really I am. My day consists of getting up, going to work, and going back to bed. It's not really what is going to keep an audience on the edge of their seats waiting for the next instalment.
Anyway. As Lynda has said, she thinks birthdays are really special, and need to be celebrated with as many of your friends as possible. She go in touch with me, and asked if I could come down on the Thursday to join in the celebrations. I couldn't because I had to be at work, and wouldn't be able to get the day off. This is not because I am so amazing at my job that they just can't do without me, it's just that if I am not doing my job, someone else has to stand in for me, so a lot of planning and spare resource are needed.
Long gone are the days of self employment where I could run my calendar around social events. Many trips were made to Bicester then because I could. But the latter days of self employment meant no money to travel, and eventually I had to succumb and go out and get a proper job, and that way I could actually pay the bills. Anyway, not being able to get off work didn't really seem like a good enough excuse to miss out on one of my closest friends birthday bash, and quite right she is too. So Lynda upped her persuasion pressure, and said what about Friday? You can do Friday! But alas although it was my week of being on the early shift, I had swapped with my colleague on the Friday, and would be working Friday evening. Feeling Lynda's frustration, and worried about my personal safety, I offered Sunday evening as a compromise. With a late start on Monday I could come down Sunday afternoon and we could go to the White Hart's Karaoke. Lynda agreed to this, as long as she could find a babysitter. She did and the plan to surprise Duncan was born, and I got invited to Sunday dinner :)
Sunday arrives, and it's all going to plan. Duncan is none the wiser to my trip, and I can't wait to get down and see everyone. I promised my wife that I would have family dinner at home before heading down south. This is really because I wont get to spend any proper time with her until the following Saturday due to my shift pattern. She was doing dinner early so I could get away, but then it go delayed, and I thought the whole afternoon was going to unravel. I got away as soon as I could, and made good progress on the motorway, made up for some lost time, but I still hadn't got a gift. I knew what I wanted to get, and I knew Bicester's big Tesco would have it. Pressing on ever concious of the time, I thought yes, I have just got tome to get a gift, made a small detour and got in to Tesco's car park. Raced to the door, and watched them lower the shutters. What's that all about? They close an hour later up north. Feeling deflated I race back to the car, only then to find I am stuck in a huge queue as every car that has been to Tesco and Bicester Village are now trying to get out on to the same road. Panic is really setting in now. Not only am I going to turn up empty handed, but late as well. Which means no dinner for me, and anyone that knows me will know missing food is not an option. Ahhh Tesco forecourt is open. They might have what I need? I could be late, and still have a reason, and something to show for it, that will work. But alas no, I am just a little bit more latter that I thought I was going to be. Luckily the stewards decided to let a lot of the Tesco traffic go, so I raced out and on to my final destination, stressed and hungry. As it turns out, my timing couldn't of been any better... Duncan is just serving dinner, when I ring the door bell. I can imagine this will have miffed Duncan no end. Who on earth is that ruining the sanctity of the family Sunday roast. He throws open the door, ready to give a hard time to the unsuspecting caller. Sees it's me, and bursts in to a huge grin, and invites me in for dinner. A bottle of wine is opened, and a great feast is had. The surprise, huge grin, and warm welcome had made my trip worth while, but there was more fun to be had at the karaoke. We arrive at the White Hart, and another bottle of wine is purchased. This is no ordinary wine, but magic wine. It had the ability to turn me in to a rock star, and with my singing ability coupled with my on stage shyness is quite a feat. I had an amazing evening in the company of some good friends, I hope Duncan and Lynda had a great time to. So as I mentioned earlier, O don't often get time to read a blog, but I did make a special effort for this one as I thought I might get a mention. But look what I find, not only a mention, but I have been papped with Duncan doing our live and let die set. I think this assures my rock star status, lol. Well it's time to say goodbye to my Bicester alter ego, and assume the normal boring Nigel, and get back to the sleep - work - sleep routine. So what do you think to my first, and probably last blog? hehe.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the editing, had to send the file to my phone, then cut and past, and it removed all the carriage returns, and I was having too many problems putting them back in.