So what's happened in the last 3 years then??? Cameron (number one son) was diagnosed with high-functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Asperger Syndrome in June 2009... I always knew something wasn't quite right but couldn't put my finger on it & it was a long struggle trying to get teachers, health professionals & friends/family to listen to me - we got there in the end though, so although it doesn't make living with his symptoms any easier there is a name for it & a reason why he behaves the way he does :)
Hermione (the piggy in the middle) is such a day-dreamer with her head in the clouds, although when the bubble has been burst she is the most loving, caring, wonderfully helpful little girl you could ever wish for & considering she is still 6 she has a lot of strain livin with her brother but copes amazingly well with it all!
I have put on some weight recently so it is now time to go back to fat club & shift the extra weight I am carrying around, it's not so good when you have lost the weight graduly but then it piled back on quickly & people assume you are pregnant... wouldn't mind so much but I was sterilized when I had Anneliese, so it gets me down a bit :(
Well, that's a quick sum-up of a few key events... I am going to try to be a more active blogger & get this show on the road again :)
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