That's all that consists for me at the moment, I always find getting the balance back to routine after the long summer holidays daunting & stressful... I can't begin to imagine how the children feel these days?!
It's one thing after another, uniforms, lunches, arriving on time, after school clubs, swimming, school trips, residential trips it really is all go, go, go this year!
On top of which this week I've a mammoth cake request for my good friend Louisa's wedding which is happening Friday - yes Friday 13th of all days, I'm a little superstitious & having nightmares of caketastrophes happening...
Tomorrow is the start of the big bake off, 10" chocolate, 8" lemon, 6" vanilla, alongside 20 of each chocolate, lemon & vanilla cupcakes for a contrasting cupcake tower to go next to the main cake!!!
Cascades of butterflies to adorn the main cake & contrasting butterflies for the cupcakes, ribbons, pearls it's all going to be beautiful but I can't help but panic & worry till it is all completed, set up looking lovely in situ.
I'm desperately trying to make it feasible to attend the evening celebrations, but due to transport, babysitters & an impending funeral on Monday too, I'm not sure I'll get there - I am trying though, with all the will in the world.
I'm as tense as can be, so as soon as I've helped put the children to bed & the shopping away, I think a long soak in a nice relaxing bath is most definitely in order tonight...
Number one son is as hyper as an energizer bunny, no idea why but it is pushing me to my limits & some right now - is this just a sign I'm getting old I wonder?!
Just a brief blog as so much to do & so little time, but wanted y'all to know why I just may be a little awol this week!!!