Friday, 23 November 2012

And..... Ta Dah!!!!!

So I guess you're wondering about the title eh?! Well let me elaborate on this...

... We all get bogged down with day-to-day life, a few years ago another mummy friend of mine (thanks Sarah MacKay) that instead of dwelling on the things you don't manage to get done, focus on the things you have accomplished!

It's not a 'To Do' list, it's a 'Ta Dah' list!!!

Still don't get it?! Let me show you:

Ta Dah List, Fri 23rd Nov

1. Cleaned up cat sick (7.15am)
2. Had a coffee
3. Made hubby a travel mug of Tea
4. Got girls dressed
5. Sent boy to school
6. Gave girls breakfast
7. Did girls hair
8. Made bed
9. Got dressed
10. Sorted clean washing out
11. Sorted dirty washing into colours
12. Put 1st load washing on
13. Took girls to school
14. Loaded dishwasher
15. Emptied oven
16. Put dishwasher on
17. Sprayed oven with cleaner
18. Got ingredients out for Flapjack
19. Got Hoover out
20. Writing blog! (9.40am)

So as you can see it's already been a very productive & busy day here at Sharp Residence, it's only 9.40am & the Ta Dah list is growing by the minute.

Now you may feel this is silly, but in fact it's a real motivational boost that doesn't take much effort. Writing a list takes a few minutes, but when it's a list of boring every day mundane household chores it puts a complete downer on the day - turn it around & make yourself feel positive about it, make a Ta Dah list instead!!!

It's astounding the actual amount of things we do as stay at home parents (it's not always us girls that do it, there's some house husbands too) but do we often get any credit for it?!? You bet your life no, it is often unnoticed but we carry on working like troopers to keep the home nice & working perfectly like clockwork!!!

So every once in a while, sit back & take a minute to reflect on your achievements in the day, it really does open your eyes to how much we do on an average day. We all deserve more appreciation for our accomplishments, rather than just taken for granted.

Now my blog is pretty much finished (it's 9.50am) so it's back to the chores... Time to hoover & then to scrub the oven clean!

Have a great day all & wear a proud smile for all you've achieved so far, you're all amazing parents - whether you do a day job for a living or look after the home (& children).

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