On Saturday I had a wonderful day at Alton Towers minus the children... Now some may view this as cruel, but quite frankly adults need time out too! So while the children went to Blenheim Palace with the grandparents, we went to Alton Towers for the 1st time this season.
Recommendations if you've not been: Nemesis, Rita, Air, Thirteen & Sonic Spinball are my top five musts!
Others to enjoy: Oblivion, Duel, Runaway Minetrain, Charlie n Chocolate Factory & The Blade.
Avoid at all costs: Newest attraction 'Nemesis Sub-Terra' - what absolute waste of money, queue time & energy... I won't say anymore in case you do want to try it, but OMG it's seriously shocking in a bad way! Utter rubbish in my opinion.
Now I don't particularly like water rides unless it is a radically hot dat with no breeze at all... It has to be tropical for me to entertain going on them or absolutely pissing it down! But if you like them try these out: Ripsaw, The Flame, Congo River Rapids & Battle Galleons.
If you get chance to go without your children, I recommend a walk round the gardens too... They're beautiful & very peaceful.
Now on with the rest of the blog, spring is a lovely time of year... There's new life all around, blossoms on trees, buds on plants, lambs in fields, chicks in nests, new life is everywhere!
As I walked up my street yesterday I took in all springs beauty, the perfectly blue skies, the pretty cherry blossoms, the magnolia trees & all the beautiful plants in my own back garden... So much colour & vibrancy about, it just makes you feel so happy & puts a spring in your step.
Today I saw new life in progress too: at the back end of my garden two loved up frogs, linked tightly together (it astounded me that the female could still hop around whilst the male clung tightly to her back) isn't nature wonderful?!
Long may this glorious weather continue, even if at the moment it's a little chilly in the mornings... By midday (latest) it's absolutely wonderful =)

Yes, with you all the way, feeling it too, amazing the rate at which the buds and leaves are coming in on the trees, I point it out to Ollie every day on the way to school, as you well know, bestie this is my absolute favourite time of the year, and did make me chuckle thinking about the athletic frogs, nature is indeed wonderful.