Wednesday, 28 March 2012

On a roll...

Yes, I'm most definitely on a roll... Not a white roll, brown roll, toilet roll or drum roll, but a blog roll!

The blogs are flowing abundantly, but that's because I've had a few stored up for some days & as a tightly coiled spring my blogs have bounced out & sprung to life!

So far this is the fourth today, I have another for this blog, one for my cake blog & another installment for my fairy blog, that if I manage to get them all done will bring me up to seven blogs in one day - impressive huh?!

Or do I just write a load of shite?! You decide & let me know via the comments to this blog please??? Not that it'll stop me writing as I actually quite enjoy it!

Blogger extremist - is it an addiction, obsession, compulsion?! Either way in my eyes it's all good & I personally think more people should blog, gets it all out there & hopefully brings enjoyment to others in the process =)

Well, I suppose I'd better get on with the next blog to continue my roll... Actually I may even have another blog up my sleeve for here come to think of it, that'll make it 8!

Spring has Sprung..... Boing!

What a glorious few days we've had, we saw the clocks leap forward an hour at 01:00 Sunday morning taking us into British Summertime & the weather has been truly amazing since Saturday!

On Saturday I had a wonderful day at Alton Towers minus the children... Now some may view this as cruel, but quite frankly adults need time out too! So while the children went to Blenheim Palace with the grandparents, we went to Alton Towers for the 1st time this season.

Recommendations if you've not been: Nemesis, Rita, Air, Thirteen & Sonic Spinball are my top five musts!

Others to enjoy: Oblivion, Duel, Runaway Minetrain, Charlie n Chocolate Factory & The Blade.

Avoid at all costs: Newest attraction 'Nemesis Sub-Terra' - what absolute waste of money, queue time & energy... I won't say anymore in case you do want to try it, but OMG it's seriously shocking in a bad way! Utter rubbish in my opinion.

Now I don't particularly like water rides unless it is a radically hot dat with no breeze at all... It has to be tropical for me to entertain going on them or absolutely pissing it down! But if you like them try these out: Ripsaw, The Flame, Congo River Rapids & Battle Galleons.

If you get chance to go without your children, I recommend a walk round the gardens too... They're beautiful & very peaceful.

Now on with the rest of the blog, spring is a lovely time of year... There's new life all around, blossoms on trees, buds on plants, lambs in fields, chicks in nests, new life is everywhere!

As I walked up my street yesterday I took in all springs beauty, the perfectly blue skies, the pretty cherry blossoms, the magnolia trees & all the beautiful plants in my own back garden... So much colour & vibrancy about, it just makes you feel so happy & puts a spring in your step.

Today I saw new life in progress too: at the back end of my garden two loved up frogs, linked tightly together (it astounded me that the female could still hop around whilst the male clung tightly to her back) isn't nature wonderful?!

Long may this glorious weather continue, even if at the moment it's a little chilly in the mornings... By midday (latest) it's absolutely wonderful =)


It's just NuTs!!!!!

Quite frankly roasted salted nuts should not be messed with in my honest opinion... It's just plain NUTS to mess with them!

Now dry roasted peanuts are acceptable, there's something about them but they have to be KP nuts... No other brand will do. The hot peanuts they do in pubs, Sahara's hot nuts, are a peanut encrusted in a crisp shell which has an exotic blend of spices that give them a little kick are acceptable too - they don't smell so pleasant, but they actually taste rather nice indeed!

I love Marmite but Marmite cashews are rather random, so best avoided - Marmite perhaps in most cases shouldn't be messed with either, I must say Marmite cheddar is amazing though... So much so the mini snack cheeses in this range are to die for, I'd even go so far as to say they're orgasmic!
Now stupidly in Tesco the other day I got over excited by my love of most things foody that contain lemon & coriander, I spotted on the nut shelf a new product... lemon & coriander cashews, so I thought oooh they sound nice let's try them!

HUGE mistake!!! What was I thinking?! They were not the nutty gorgeously tasty jumbo salted cashews that I love... 

They were a randomly tasting drab cashew, not a patch on the old faithfuls & I was soarly disappointed in them "/

Needless to say these cheeky rogues that tried to tempt my taste buds, will not be entering my basket, trolley, house or mouth EVER again!!!!!

The only other way I like to eat cashews is if they're in a chicken, pineapple & cashew dish from the Chinese takeaway - moto of this story, stick to what you know & don't deviate for gimmicky alternatives!

Now my bestie will not appreciate this blog so much due to his nut allergy, so here's a little tribute to him & his love of Eastman's Cheese Balls...

I never ventured by the crisps or maize snacks area so sadly didn't get to investigate if the huge Tesco at Aylesbury still stocked your beloved favourite cheesy snack. However, I still have a packet of the more expensive (but exact same product in Tesco packaging) sat in my cupboard waiting for you - I've included a picture of the said packet, just to tease you!!!

There's a few coming...

Just cause I'm sneaky & a little cheeky, I thought I'd take the opportunity to put in an extra mini blog... Can't let my bestie have all the blog glory now can I?!

I currently have on this blog alone a vast array of photos & 3 blog subjects, I will get to these this evening without a doubt - I've made it my mission!

I also need to put up another fairy blog as it's been a few days since I've last done one... Seriously blagging behind, even with these cool apps I just don't seem to get a minute to blink let alone blog.

Then there's a cake blog to do too, I just haven't stopped with cakes recently... Hence the lack of time to blog! Well this was only a little mini catch up blog, so I best get on  with today:

  • Shower
  • Neurology
  • Lunch
  • Sharing Assembly
  • School Run
  • Dinner
  • Chill & Blog

That's a rough plan anyhow!!! Lol

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

March MaDnEsS... Yes, I think I'm cRaZy!!!

Hahahahaha, made you look!

I knew the title would grab your attention, but then I figure a little part of you would want to read my blogs anyway - am I right?!

Now I've been blagging behind on the blog front, so much so my bestie seems to be ploughing ahead (now I am a little competitive) we can't possibly have that can we??? Jason, prepare for some blog wars!!!!!

On with the blog, what shall I bloggage about anyway I wonder?!

Well, you will get a complete random mixed bag today... I don't have a specific topic & my mojo has gone walk abouts!

March is well under way, can't quite believe it's the 13th already. I feel as mad as a March hare, I don't know whether I'm coming or going... I'm here, there, everywhere with so much going on - it really is madness & I don't have time to think!

I've got parents evening this afternoon, which I'm quite looking forward to... It's always nice to see where your children's talents lie & how they're progressing through school, it is however a little hard to comprehend that Cameron will be going to secondary school in September - Eeeek, where have the last 8 yrs gone???

I think I need a break away from it all, couple of days at the Spa would be nice (only problem being I have to have adult supervision in the pool because of my epilepsy)  - oh well, shall dream about that one then!

Only about 3 weeks or so till Easter, Mmmmmm all that chocolate... Bit I must be good, I've worried hard to get my weight down & I'm fairly happily with it at the moment (just another 1/2 - 1 stone, should do it) - just got to maintain it comfortably now.

Well, this blog has been started & stopped, started & stopped, then started again... So on this note, I think this sitting I really should try & wrap it up!

Patents evening went extremely well, all 3 cherubs are coming along very well in school, I couldn't be prouder of them! So scary to think that Cameron only has 4 months left at primary school!!!

This weekend celebrates not only St Paddy's Day, but my Dad's 65th Birthday & of course Mother's Day too... So I'll be going out Saturday night to party & see all 3 in with style!

Friday, 9 March 2012


Yes, apologies are very much in order my fellow blog followers... I started the blog year very well & was on a complete roll, then wham!!! I got hit out of the blue with a major whammy, it knocked me for 6 & alas the blogs had to take a back seat for a while (this is about to be rectified now).

I also need to apologise for not being myself the past 3 weeks, but my closest friends will know I've had a lot of turmoil going on of late so I think I can be excused to some extent?!

I'm slowly picking myself up, I have good days (yesterday for example, maybe it was the full moon though), I have bad days (manageable) & I even have very black days (these are never good). Today is a relaxed day, so its good & I'm blogging, what more could I want for right now?!

Apologies also go to my three cherubs, it has been a rough few weeks especially the 1st week where I had to have a little break away from you all again. It was so hard for me too & I can promise you that I Love You all so dearly, even if at times you try my patience to the extremes I really would never, ever change any if you. Cameron, Hermione, Anneliese, you are all so precious to me & have your own unique personalities, don't ever think I don't love you & carry on being yourselves, you are all wonderful!

Final apologies are for anyone's birthdays that I may have accidentally missed in this whole shebang, I know I've definitely missed a few but I can't for the life of me think who... Little brain dead at present, too much information overload & my head can't cope with it all - sorry & belated birthday wishes!

Now all my apologies are out of the way, I really should get on to some proper blogging as I have been neglecting them for a while now. On with the blogs!!!