Wednesday, 8 June 2011

ExCiTeMeNt OvErLoAd!!!!!

Just over 5 weeks to go before the final part of Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows is at the cinema, it's been a long wait so it so better be worth it... If you go by previous HP films though, they just keep getting better so it should be a jolly good show =)

Not only am I eagerly awaiting Harry Potter but I have got very itchy feet just waiting for the first part of Breaking Dawn to come to the cinema... Still November really isn't too far away I suppose??? Actually it is, just over 5 months away - Boooooooooooo!!! Still I am a tad excited that it is slowly creeping nearer, even if it is taking forever to get here!

Major excitement of the day though is that I have just seen the trailer for the long awaited 4th game in the Professor Layton series, you can view it here: that's if you are interested in this series? This 4th game is a prequel & set 3 years before The Curious Village (1st game in series) & tells the story of how Luke met the professor & went on to become his apprentice. Now I can't find any information on the UK release date as yet, altho US should be getting it in Autumn after September - let's hope the UK get's it in time for Xmas, else I may just have to get the US version like I did with the 2nd game in the series!

But what is the best excitement this week??? It's Wednesday, which means it is now only 3 sleeps until Duncan returns from his fishing trip!!! Seeing as it was his birthday yesterday & he was away in France for it, I am baking a cake for his return & the children have been making cards for him... ain't we a sweet family?! I do hope he has managed to catch some fish now, he hadn't caught a single one on his last update to me - funny I had to hook a dead one from the pond, so I am one up on him!!! Lol =)

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