As the title suggests, a whole month has passed since I last managed to blog... OMG, where did that time go?! It's amazing how quick time flies once you age & have children, it is always one thing after another & with every good intention to prioritise your time to fit everything in something always goes wrong or gets in the way!
What takes up all my time you may wonder??? Well it's like this I have 3 children & they require care, as do my pets, husband & adopted daughter... there's washing, cooking, cleaning, errands, grocery shopping, bathing, school runs, tidying etc, etc, etc. Now if everything ran to plan, things would get done quickly & easily but children are not robots & do not always do as they are told or as they are asked & sometimes just plain ignore you so time is wasted repeating yourself over & over trying to get through to them. As the saying goes 'A woman's work is never done' not a truer word is spoken as there is always something to hold you back or get in the way of progressing through the day!
Still, enough said... I wouldn't change it for the world, I love my children & they make me so very proud. Only last week was parents evening & to say I am proud of my 10yr old high-functioning autistic son is an understatement - he is amazing at school & has had the best report ever, in the past year his reading has excelled & his maths is off the scale he is astounding them all with his knowledge which makes me all warm n fuzzy inside as only a few years ago we were so concerned when he refused point blank to write anything down & would hide under tables in class, not join in with others etc, etc - As a treat for this he is coming with me to the cinema to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn pt1 after school today & I can't wait =)
It's hard to believe but Christmas is only just over a month away too... I don't feel that Christmasy yet, although I am sure that will soon change in a couple of weeks & the tree is up with the twinkly lights. My shopping is almost complete & better still I have started wrapping & apart from the children's presents everything is wrapped & labelled already! I don't have a clue what to get Duncan & although he tells me not to worry about presents for him, I do like to get a few from the children & me as I feel it is still important to show that he is just as an important part of the family as the children are!
I have a few subjects that I want to blog about, but weather I will get the time or not is another question... Why can't Blogger create an app for the iPod touch/iPhone/iPad (or Android/Blackberry)??? If there was such an app, I could log-in via my iPod touch & blog away any time... alas I have to physically have the time to unpack, plug-in & load up my laptop which in my hectic life is not always a possibility "/
Until next time, whenever that may be...