Could this possibly be true?! Could I be all blogged out??? I sincerely hope not!
I haven't blogged since the start of the school summer holidays, now the school holidays are always a busy manic time for me with keeping the children occupied and before you know it 6 & a half weeks have passed and they are back to school! They have been back to school 2 and a half weeks & I haven't had 5 minutes to blog or so it seems... when I have had 5 minutes I have lost my mojo & not been able to think of a single interesting thing to blog about - mental block extrordinaire!!!
Now you may be thinking, hold on a minute this blog seems to be flowing fairly well what on earth is the problem here?! But that's just it... it is not flowing well at all & I keep hitting a brick wall with what to write so I think I am just rambling on about nothing in particular (don't I always?!).
Over the summer holidays there were some really fab days & events that I could blog about and last week Cameron had a school residential from Mon-Fri... but my head is really all over the place due to a bit of a hic-up and I just can't seem to blog about anything.
It is really good to know that I have some really, really good friends that realise mistakes do happen & that I am not a bad person. It is also even better to know that I officially have the best husband in the whole world & I am so lucky to have him: Duncan you are one in a million & I love you so very, very much!
Yes, rambling... but all very true & cannot stress it enough: Elaine, Gabby, Becky K, Teresa, Becky S, Andy, Jason, Mark & Nigel you guys are amazing, thank you for being you & caring about my mental state. I know most of you probably don't even read my blog, but when I eventually get back to Facebook I will be linking you all so you know how much I appreciate each & everyone of you. This is not a guilt trip, but without Duncan's & your support/friendship I would no doubt be carted away in a lovely white jacket that ties at the back & locked away for a very long time!
Now there are also a handful of other people that I haven't mentioned that have also been here for me too, you all know who you are (well at least I hope you do) THANK YOU =)
I probably shouldn't have blogged the last three paragraphs, but hey I have as I want everyone to know how much I appreciate them & how lucky I am to have each & everyone of you in my life... I really don't deserve it, but I am so grateful you are all standing by me & still happy to be my friends.