Thursday, 28 June 2007

Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz, Nasty Little Critters!!!

What did Duncan find in the garden on Saturday??? Well, we believe it is a type of wasps nest, but maybe it's a type of hornet - who knows as we've never seen anything like it!!! I've emailed 'What's That Bug?' to see if I can gt an exact ID on them, I think they may be Paper Wasps - but I am not 100% certain!

The critters that were building it & residing there looked like standard wasps but in reverse, ie: instead of having a mainly yellow body with black stripes, they had a mainly black body with yellow stripes - WEIRD!!!

We got some Nippon nest killer spray from the Garden Center & when Duncan got in at 1am after his gig, he did the task of spraying it in their entrance while they were sleeping - that's how I managed to get a shot of one of them... Funny looking things, aren't they?

I also spotted this strange beetle in the garden, lovely shade of red don't ya think???

Wonder what other critters I'll come across this year in the UK?
Watch this space for more weird & wonderful creepy crawlies...

Sunday, 24 June 2007

What a BuSy week...

How busy am I this week??? As it stands at this moment I have the following going on:

  • Monday - Bounce Back course after school with Cameron 3.30pm - 4.45pm
  • Tuesday - My friend Sam is over with her 1 yr old Freddie in the am, then after dropping Hermione at Nursery at 12.45pm I am helping out at the school for their special fund-raising day 1pm - 3pm, then I go to Slimming World at 6.15pm (I weigh everyone so have to get thee early)
  • Wednesday - Taking Anneliese to baby clinic at 1.30pm to get her weighed (it's been 4 weeks since she was last weighed) , then Cameron is off to the Dr's at 4.10pm
  • Thursday - Anneliese has her 3rd set of vaccinations at 4.30pm, then I m out at Karaoke 9pm as Duncan has a new monthly gig
  • Friday - My friend Sam is over in the am again with Freddie
  • Saturday - we have another friends little girls 1st birthday party & BBQ at 2.30pm

Bound to get some other friends wanting to meet up for coffee during the week sometime too, god knows when I will fit it in with all the housework & feeding Anneliese & everything else - LOL!!!

A woman's work is never done...

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Grrrr ~ Pens & Hermione Just Don't Go!!!

Why oh why does my daughter insist on getting hold of pens & drawing on things she shouldn't??? Now when she was very little I could understand this as she didn't know any better, but she has been told a million & one times since she 1st did it with a biro that she should only use pencils & only draw on paper or in colouring books...

I stupidly left a Permanent Marker on the table & whie doing the banking on the PC Hermione decides that she should remove the lid & draw in her pop-up fairy house ~ now this isn't too big a deal as it's her house after all & if she ruins it then it's her loss, but she not only drew on the inside of this she also decided that she would draw on her legs & her school uniform!!!

Now if it had been an old school dress then I'd not be so damn cross, but we just took the label off this dress today... It's brand damn spanking NEW!!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, kids what do you do with them???

Now she can wear this dress till it's too small pen stain & all, but I can't keep it for Anneliese which I am fed-up about as school uniform costs a fortune & now I have not one summer dress to keep for Anneliese as the other two Hermione has are stained with black paint from Nursery!!!

Tut, tut, tut ~ Think I'll stick her in a black bag from now on & save my money!!!

You'd think butter wouldn't melt, wouldn't you???

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Why Does It All Go Wrong???

Look at those gorgeous blue eyes & that wonderful smile... Makes everything else seem trivial doesn't it???

Well, this week I am very sad, the first reason being that one of my very best friends Laura moved back to Canada... I am very pleased for her to be going back home, but am sad that I won't be seeing her every week for Latte at Costa coffee anymore.

We will have known each other 2 yrs this September & it was fate that brought us together via a course we were both doing - we just clicked from the moment we met & have been great friends ever since! I shall miss her dearly.

The 2nd reason I am sad this week is because of my lil lady's weight gain, when she was last weighed on April 25th, they had marked down in her book that she was 11lb 15oz instead of 10lb 15oz - now this in itself is not too trivial as the chart is done in kg, so her weight was plotted right on the growth chart.

Well, I had her weighed this week on May 23rd & she was just 11lb 12oz, this is obviously still a good weight but the reason I am sad is because she started off on the 91st centile when she was born & dropped down only 1 centile to just under the 75th centile which she was following quite nicely...

She is now almost down to the 25th centile, which is concerning me a lot as that's almost another 2 centile's she has dropped in just a month. Now the other 2 children when they were babies never dropped too far from the centile they were born on - Cameron started off on the 98th centile & dropped down to the 75th but then he went back up to the 91st centile & pretty much stayed around those 2 centiles... Hermione started on the 91st centile & dropped down to the 75th centile & is still following that perfectly, so you can see why I am just a bit concerned by this.

All of the children have been exclusively breast fed & I am hoping that I don't have to stop early with Anneliese, but I am concerned that my milk supply is not doing enough for her or maybe it's to do with her floppy larynx (
Laryngomalacia) as she is quite a sickly baby which the other 2 weren't, I am sure that's caused by this condition!

On a brighter note, all the children have had Chicken Pox now... Hermione was the first to get it on Monday 30th April, she was quite grumpy the first few days but wasn't too spotty & seemed to get over it quite quickly... Cameron soon followed getting it on Wednesday 16th May & bless him he had it by far the worst - he was covered from top to toe & had it everywhere including his mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, throat), he's still scabby now but they're all dropping off! Anneliese bless her had the mildest case ever - 1 solitary spot on her head!!! So needless to say she didn't suffer from it at all.

We've just had a week without Duncan as he's been fishing in France all week & came home last night, I took this picture last Sunday of all 3 children so he could see them all week on his phone... Don't they look good together???

Well, that's enough for tonight, off to play Neopets!!!

Monday, 14 May 2007

10 Weeks Old Already!!!

Blimey, doesn't time fly???

Anneliese Elspeth Sharp arrived by Caesarean Section 10 weeks ago today on March 5th 2007 at 2.32pm & weighed a hefty 9lb ½oz!!!

Look at the little dot, moments after being born & having her cord clamped...

She is coming on in leaps & bounds, gaining weight nicely & has already had her 1st lot of vaccinations a week & a half ago.

I am hoping to take her to clinic this wednesday (16th May) to see how heavy she is, as not had her weighed since April 25th when she was 10lb 15oz.

She is a very contented little bundle & is full of smiles now, she also loves being cuddled & talked to by everyone //(º¿º)\\

It is like she has always been here & she has blended in a treat, what a good job too as both Cameron & Hermione are into everything ~ Anneliese doesn't get a lot of choice but to blend in with them, LOL!!!

So you can see how much she has changed in the past 10 weeks, compare the current picture of her taken moments ago today...

Oh, before I sign off, the best thing about Anneliese is that she still has her beautiful blue eyes ~ just like Mummy //(º¿º)\\